Fighting Foot Odour

Excessive foot wetness (or Hyperhidrosis) is a common problem suffered by approximately a quarter of the population.

The foot has 250,000 sweat glands, the highest concentration of sweat glands of the entire body. Those with Hyperhidrosis have a greater chance of having foot odour, especially those who wear closed shoes or socks made from synthetic materials for long periods of time. Excessive moisture increases the chance for bacterial growth and when bacteria feed on sweat and dead skin cells, foot odour is the result.

The issue can be unpleasant, embarrassing, and unfortunately an ongoing problem. However, it can be treated effectively with proper care and products designed for foot odour and wetness.
Here are some tips to keep your feet fresh and dry throughout the day:
  • Bathe your feet daily…scrub gently and thoroughly between the toes using an antibacterial soap. When finished, dry your feet completely.
  • Wear well-ventilated shoes, preferably made from natural material – your feet will breathe better.
  • If possible, avoid wearing the same shoes two days in a row. Store shoes in a location which allows them to air out and dry. For shoes and boots with removable insoles, consider removing the insole after wearing to help shoes dry more quickly/thoroughly.
  • Wear socks made from cotton or other absorbent material.
  • Use products designed to treat foot odour and wetness. Odor-Eaters® provides a full range of products designed specifically to treat foot odour and wetness.

If the problem persists, see a podiatrist.


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